Monday, November 11, 2019

Minimizing Mother Tongue Influence in English Speaking

Mother tongue influence or MTI means the impact of the way your first language is spoken on the second language you are trying to learn. For us, it means effect of our mother tongue on the way we speak English. So, when you see someone speaking English with a heavy Bengali or Punjabi or Telugu accent, you know the person has an MTI problem.

Why does MTI Happen?

If till an advanced age, the only language we speak is our mother tongue, a lot of the speech patterns get set really hard in our brain. Every language as its own specific way words are pronounced. Each language has peculiar sounds specific to it. If we start speaking more than one language from early childhood, we easily retain the flexibility of uttering sounds from different language systems. Our brain can be easily trained for different sounds from different languages. But if we do not receive that training in our childhood, our brains get accustomed to the sounds on only one language and at a later stage it becomes pretty  difficult to train the brain for a totally different sound system needed for the second language.

Essentially, bilingual kids do not face the MTI problem in general because their brains have been trained in the flexibility of two or more language systems and they are able to easily speak two languages without errors.

It is believed that MTI is a training problem. A student's brain and vocal system have been trained in a certain way that makes it difficult for him to suddenly open himself to a totally different set of sounds and words. The habits and speech patterns are rooted strongly in the learner’s mind and it takes sustained effort to remove the MTI problem.

The students are required to practice speaking the new sounds that first makes them comfortable with the new sounds and then habituates them. Continuous repeated practice breaks old set patterns and builds new sound and speech patterns plus trains the brain in the flexibility required to handle two parallel sound and speech systems.

Can I Solve MTI on my Own?

Theoretically yes but the probabilities will be very low. The habit and speech patterns are so intrinsic and natural to you that most of the times you would not realize some crumbs of the MTI problem in your English speaking. You need someone to point out whenever you are slipping down that road. Changing something as ingrained as native language speech patterns is an extremely difficult task simply because it is a very old habit strongly solidified. You are inclined to fall back on to your default speech patterns again and again. You need someone to point it out every time and force you to not slip back to your original speech patterns.

Can MTI ever be solved?

MTI is solvable but an extremely complex problem. It needs strong commitment and intense effort for 4-6 weeks. Once you carry the new speech patterns and get used to them, slowly, those sounds will become a part of your system. Once the new habit starts taking root, the amount of effort required will reduce and once it is solidified enough, the effort required is very minimal...

The Need for Good Communication

In the early stages of life – during childhood – children, who speak up more, get more attention. Similarly during college days while making a project, the student who submits a detailed project report, makes an attractive ppt slide deck, and talks impressively during his viva – he or she may not be amongst the top rankers – gets noticed by the professors there. This trend goes right into the professional life as well. To be noticed by the Management you need to be speaking up as well – generating intelligent ideas and solutions is not just enough. Thus, to have an edge over others, being intelligent is not the only factor; you also need to be communicative. Or, in fact, it is absolutely ok if you are not all that intelligent, but having good communication skills will definitely compensate.

So, what is the ultimate purpose of communication? The purpose of communication is to explain something which is in your mind in such a way that the recipient of your communication understands exactly what is in your mind. While it is very natural to have a loss of information during this process, but the minimum this loss is, better it is for both parties.

Different aspects of communication:

1. Grammatical correctness.

2. Mode of Communication – Face to face, telephone, chat (whatsapp, etc.), email, letter

3. Situational (important to both, important to one, important to note)

4. Circumstantial: Lot of ambient noise, Lack of hearing capacity in case of whispers, poor connectivity, disturbances / hindrances.

5. Emotional: Prejudice for / against the topic by the receiver or by the sender.

So, as the Communicator, what are the points we should keep in mind while making a communication in real world? To answer this question, let’s take a quick peek into each of these parameters and how to use them for a great communication experience.

1. Grammatical: Being grammatically correct is a matter of basic hygiene. If you are studying, pay close attention to your grammar and practice all languages that you know, and ensure your efforts so that you become proficient in at least English, Hindi and your mother tongue languages in the years to come.

If you are past your studying age and are not so good in grammar, please don’t worry. Practically there are many professionals who are not good either, and thus, you become just like one of them. However, aggressively start your efforts immediately towards improving, and sooner or later you would be ahead of the others. You would not be able to improve unless you take the efforts – please keep this firm in your mind.

2. Mode of Communication: This is a critical aspect, since this decides how well your communication will be taken by the recipient. Every mode has its own pros and cons, which largely depends on the mindset of the communicator and recipient, and the matter to be communicated.

A. Face to Face: is generally resorted to when there is a need to give importance to the matter to be communicated, or when the instruction or message has a context or background behind. This mode is also generally adopted when there an interaction required i.e. there are questions which will have answers, which in turn, will again have questions. For eg: Important matters at Companies are discussed in similar meetings only, and critical matters like annual performance evaluation are discussed face to face between the employee and the manager.

b. Telephone: This mode is used when the communication matter is short and there is urgency. It is considered a matter of courtesy not to call just like that, because the person at the other end may get distracted while doing some critical work (driving, thinking, etc). These days, people consider it a plus point of being aggressive if someone calls up and disturbs someone to get his work done, which is why we have increasing cases of responded calls or phones keeping on silent mode. Overall, due caution has to be taken before choosing this mode of communication.

c. Chat (Whatsapp, sms, etc.): This mode is very popular these days as it does not require the communicator and the recipient to be active on the conversation at the same time. Technology has made this so simple and effective, which is why this mode is so popular now. Generally all informal communication is made through this mode.

d. Email: Email is a structured form of chat and is used when a formal communication is to be made i.e. when there could be a situation in future when reference might have to be made to this communication in terms of content, timing, context, etc.

e. Letters: With the growing use of electronic media, Letters have lost their significance to emails. These days, letters are used only by some companies / individuals under very specific circumstances only – for eg: appointment / salary increment letters are given in hard copy by some companies.

3. Situational: The situation in which the communicator, or the recipient are, also makes an important impact on the effectiveness of the communication.

While making any communication, the communicator should ensure that he / she has attracted enough attention of the recipient – to do so, the communication is so planned and made so that the points which interest the recipient most are mentioned first.

4. Circumstantial: You would have seen many times, people in a gathering, excuse themselves and then go to a corner to talk to someone – they thus, create a favorable situation for the recipient for their communication. Similarly, it will be in our interest to check and ensure that the recipient is in his complete comfort so that our communication becomes effective.

5. Emotional: There are some topics to which a communicator or the recipient is emotionally attached.

For eg: you would recollect narrations from a friend about his / her holiday outing which is going on and on though the listeners are getting bored – this is because this particular topic is close to the narrator emotionally.

Next time, if you have to make a communication on this topic to this person, interest is guaranteed. Similarly, check, if you can create any emotional link between your communication and the recipient – this shall help you ensure the interest of the recipient.

Completing the communication process is not just the responsibility of the Communicator, but the recipient also plays an important role. Below are some important points for the recipient which will contribute towards the effectiveness of the communication:

1. Pay complete attention to what the communicator is trying to convey, and try understanding his perspective.

2. Make notes, if you feel the need to do so.

3. Treat the communicator with utmost respect and dignity irrespective of the social status –every living being deserves this as a bare minimum.

4. You don’t have to agree to the communicator if you have to obey above point. You are absolutely free to disagree – however, while doing so, try to explain the other person your logic and thinking behind your opinion. Be firm about what you have to say, but be soft while saying it.

5. Do not let emotions like prejudice, irritation, frustration, etc. come in between – stay patient, this way you will be able to handle the communication more effectively.

Blissful and Purposeful Communicating!!!!!!

Deploying Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux [Course 3090]

The Deploying Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux course (3090) prepares NetWare CNEs to migrate their NetWare/OES services to an OES 2 for Linux server. In addition, this course covers more advanced deployment topics such as support, patches and upgrades, troubleshooting, etc.

Training Level: 3 - Experienced

Key Objectives

During this course you will learn how to complete the following tasks:

·         Understand the process for migrating services and data from NetWare to Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux

·         Configure and maintain patches, upgrades, and installation of Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux

·         Understand the principles for supporting Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux issues, including troubleshooting and maintenance

·         Understand storage using Dynamic Storage Technologies (DST)

·         Manage the administration of security on Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux

·         Perform configuring tasks for Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux services

Audience Summary

The audience for this course is the community of NetWare administrators and engineers (CNEs) interested in moving their servers from NetWare to Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux or installing Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 for Linux servers into their existing network. Additionally, those pursuing the Novell Certified Engineer Enterprise Services (NCE - ES) certification would find this course contains valuable information necessary for their test.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Novell Identity Manager 3.5 Administration

In this course, students learn about the basic components of Novell Identity Manager 3.5. Students learn to install and use Novell Identity Manager 3.5 with few configuration changes. Students will become familiar with the purpose and components of Identity Manager, enabling them to perform basic configuration tasks in a lab environment.

Describe Novell Identity Manager 3.5 Install Novell Identity Manager 3.5 Configure an eDirectory Driver Manage Policies and Filters Implement Role-Based Entitlements Install and Use Designer Install and Configure the Active Directory Driver Implement Identity Manager Password Synchronization Install the User Application Administer Organizational Charts and White Pages Implement Novell Audit Logging Review Novell Identity Manager Deployment Guidelines eDirectory Fundamentals Learn the new features of Identity Manager 3.6

Course Code: 3091

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Novell ZEN works 10 Configuration Management Advanced Administration

Novell ZENworks Configuration Management delivers a complete range of advanced configuration management capabilities, including remote management, personality migration, standard operating environment (SOE) deployment and maintenance, hardware and software inventory, asset management, optimized application delivery for both desktop and server-based applications and much more.
In this course, you will perform many advanced administrative tasks such as migrating traditional ZENworks 7 Desktop Management and implementing the patch management services in a virtual environment containing SUSE Linux Enterprise, Windows XP and Windows Vista machines
Training Level: 3 - Experienced
Key Objectives
In this course, you will learn how to:
·         Set Up the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Environment
·         Migrate a Traditional ZENworks Environment to ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
·         Implement and Manage Device Registration
·         Perform Advanced Discovery and Deployment Tasks
·         Manage Software Packages and Bundles
·         Implement Policies
·         Implement Custom Inventory and Reporting
·         Perform Advanced Administration Imaging Tasks
·         Configure and Deploy Patch Management
·         Implement ZENworks Asset Management 10
Audience Summary
Network administrators with fundamental ZENworks 10 Configuration Management administrative experience who need additional, advanced knowledge and skills to administer ZENworks Configuration Management in their environment.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Novell GroupWise Administration

Novell GroupWise 8 has many new and exciting features making it the undisputed hub of your business collaboration.  As a GroupWise administrator, you need to know how to install, configure, and monitor many of the new and enhanced features in web accessibility, calendaring, and messaging.  In this course, you will learn how to confidently migrate existing GroupWise systems to Novell GroupWise 8, install and configure GroupWise 8 for multiple platforms, and perform many other tasks needed in the day-to-day administration of a GroupWise system.

Training Level: 2 - Intermediate

Key Objectives

During this course, you will learn how to:

·         Install and configure a basic GroupWise system on Linux.
·         Install and explore the GroupWise client on Linux and Windows.
·         Perform administration tasks in and maintain a basic GroupWise system.
·         Install, configure, and optimize GroupWise Internet Access (GWIA).
·         Expand a GroupWise system and maintain it.
·         Install and configure GroupWise Web Access.
·         Install and configure Novell Messenger.
·         Monitor a GroupWise system.
·         Upgrade and migrate a GroupWise system from NetWare to Linux.

Audience Summary

Novell GroupWise Administration (Course 3105) is ideal for:

·         GroupWise system administrators, integrators and engineers.
·         Networking consultants.
·         Reseller and partner technical-support staff.
·         New GroupWise customers.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Novell ZENworks® 10.3 Configuration Management Administration

The Novell ZENworks 10.3 Configuration Management Administration course teaches students the fundamental concepts, processes, and architecture of Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management using Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management and be able to perform basic administrative tasks. Students will then build their administrative knowledge and skills by performing more involved administrative tasks (such as migrating ZENworks 7 Desktop Management or implementing patch management) for products that are integrated into ZCM 10 SP3.

Training Level: 2 - Intermediate

Key Objectives

·         Describe Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
·         Install Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
·         Migrate a Traditional ZENworks Environment to ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
·         Register Devices for ZENworks Configuration Management
·         Manage ZENworks Bundling
·         Configure ZENworks Configuration Management Policies
·         Configure Remote Management
·         Image Computers with ZENworks Configuration Management
·         Manage Inventory and Data Collection
·         Run ZENworks Configuration Management Reports

Audience Summary

This course is designed for:

·         Novell software system administrators, integrators, and engineers
·         Networking consultants
·         Reseller/partner technical support staff
·         New Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management customers

Established Novell software administrators with no ZENworks 10 experience can take this course if they are already familiar with using eDirectory (and related tools such as iManager) and have some experience administering products such as ZENworks Desktop Management.

New Novell customers tasked with evaluating or administering Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management can also attend this course but should have a basic familiarity with Novell eDirectory, Microsoft Active Directory, and Windows Server.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Learning a Second Language can be a Challenging yet Hugely Rewarding Task

After our early childhood, the majority of the neural pathways in our brain have already been formed.  In order to ensure you get the most out of your English language studies, you need to make sure you are employing effective studying techniques both inside and outside of the classroom.
Studying inside the classroom is fairly straightforward as you will be guided by your teacher, tutor or lecturer.
But today, let’s talk about what happens as soon as you leave the classroom.
What techniques, skills, or activities can you employ that will help you gain a better understanding of English, particularly conversational English?
It’s not necessary to pull out your textbook and bury your nose every minute of the day. In fact there are tons of ways you can learn English outside the classroom – ways which won’t even feel like learning!
There are a lot of helpful tips and techniques to help you learn English that you might not use so much in the classroom.
Learning English comes down to more than poring over your textbooks. You need to learn to use the knowledge you have in everyday situations and apply what you know to your life. 
Are you studying English? Find a study buddy to learn with!
The best thing you can do when you are learning a second language is to find yourself a friend who speaks the language.
The more time you spend with them, the better you will become at understanding and speaking English.
You can grab dinner, go for a walk together, get a coffee or just hang out.
All you need to do is take advantage of the knowledge your friend has of the language you are trying to learn.
There are so many people around who you can befriend. All you need to do is take advantage of the knowledge they have had their entire life.
The best way to do this is to make a rule that you can only speak English to one another. This is a really great way for you to start enunciating properly and to find out where the gaps in your own knowledge are.
As the conversation flows you will very often learn words and phrases that you weren’t previously familiar with.
You’ll even learn funny sayings that you might not ever hear in the classroom!
Here are some questions you can ask your English-speaking friend:

  What does “_____” mean?
  Sorry, can you please repeat that?
  Sorry, I don’t understand what you said
  Can you please speak a little slower?
Another great alternative is to buddy up with a fellow classmate, and when you’re together outside of class, make a rule that all your conversation has to be in English.
Stuck? That’s OK – do what you need to do to say or understand a certain phrase, and try to learn from it. Practice, practice, practice
Learn English by watching movies
It is amazing how much you can learn from watching a movie you love in the language you are trying to learn.
It’s worth noting that when you start out with this technique, you might like to choose a movie that you know well.
This is because you will be able to remember a lot of the lines on your own: when the main character says their iconic opening line in English, it’s likely you’ll know from memory what they are saying in your own language.
In the beginning, you might also find it a little easier to switch on the English subtitles, too, as you develop your listening skills.
This is a really good way to pick up on the grammatical differences between your own language and English. It will help you to become familiar with when to use determiners like ‘the’ and ‘a’.
You will start to understand the correct order of words in English, which is often different to other languages.
One of the key benefits of using this technique to learn English is that it will greatly enhance your listening skills: not only will you be able to read and speak English, but once the subtitles are switched off, you will also improve your ability to interpret and understand English aurally.
Practice English by reading out loud.
It’s not enough to simply read words, learn spelling, and nurture your listening skills.
Do you also want to perfect your pronunciation? What better way to do that than by reading out loud?
Whether it’s a glossy magazine on a topic of your interest or a book that you’ve already read in your native language, reading out loud will not only help you master tricky pronunciation, but will also help you learn and recognize sentence structure.
Reading provides the opportunity to practice English regularly, and at your own pace.
Go out and practice the language in the real world!
Go to a restaurant and practice placing your order.
Go to the movies and purchase your ticket and snacks.
Take a guided tour (in English!).
Ask shop assistants about items of clothing, sizes, and colors.
Whatever you do, try to incorporate the language into your day-to-day activities.
Have fun and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
Above all, ensure you make learning English fun!
Sure, there will be times where you feel frustrated that you can’t think of a word or used the wrong pronoun, but at the end of the day, you’ll make mistakes – they’re an inevitable part of the learning process!
Making mistakes and learning from them will do wonders when it comes to building your confidence in a second language.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Novell Identity Manager 4 Administration

Novell Identity Manager 4 is a new family of products designed to help you manage identity across physical, virtual, and cloud environments. With Novell Identity Manager 4: Administration (Course 3109) you will learn the core functionality and administration techniques common to all versions of Novell Identity Manager 4.

In this course, you will learn to use the embedded identity vault, run basic reports, check driver states, manage policies, and more. If you are managing identities in your enterprise and using Novell Identity Manager 4 Advanced Edition or Standard Edition, this course provides a solid foundation for understanding and administering this industry-leading product.

Once you attend this With Novell Identity Manager 4: Administration (Course 3109) course, you will be able to:

·         Understand the architecture of Novell Identity Manager 4
·         Understand the structure and schema of the embedded identity vault
·         Use the Novell Identity Manager 4 tools to perform administrative tasks such as performing traces and checking driver states
·         Manage policies
·         Manage connected systems
·         Perform health checks
·         Run reports common to all versions of Novell Identity Manager 4

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Novell Identity Manager 4 Advanced Edition Customization and Roles

The NetIQ Identity Manager 4 family of products now includes roles provisioning.  Users can now be granted resource and access rights according to job roles. Using roles in your enterprise can help identify separation of duties violations for compliance purposes and allows for automatic provisioning and deprovisioning of resources as employees change job functions. In NetIQ Identity Manager 4 Advanced Edition: Customization and Roles (Course 3110), you will learn to manage entitlements, configure custom workflows, create roles and more.  Start using the full power of roles provisioning today!

Training Level: 3 - Experienced

Key Objectives

During this course, you will learn to:

·         Develop polices
·         Implement advanced drivers
·         Configure and run advanced reports
·         Manage entitlements
·         Configure custom workflows
·         Define and create roles with Roles Based Provisioning
·         Customize the user application

Audience Summary

This course is for anyone managing identity in the enterprise using the NetIQ Identity Manager 4 family of products that includes roles provisioning. Additionally, this course is ideal preparation for those seeking the Certified NetIQ Identity Manager 4 (CNIMA) certification.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Novell's Guide to the LPIC-1 Certification Using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

This course provides a learning experience for students who want to prepare for the LPIC-1 certification exams. It uses SLES 11 as the Linux operating system environment that allows students to get the hands-on experience they need as they seek to earn the LPIC-1 certification. After completing this course, students should be ready to attempt the LPIC-1 exams.

Training Level: 1 - Novice

Key Objectives

During this course, you learn the following:

·         Use the Linux Desktop and the Command Line Interface
·         Install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
·         Administer SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 with YaST
·         Administer SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 with the Command Line Interface
·         Manage Processes, Jobs, and Run levels
·         Configure the Network
·         Configure Applications and Services (File, Print, DNS, Samba, Apache, ...)
·         Understand Security-Related Tools

Audience Summary

·         This course is designed for students preparing for LPI's LPIC-1 exams.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Upgrading to and Exploring New Features in Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management

This Upgrading to and Exploring New Features in Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management course prepares students to upgrade from a ZENworks 10 environment to ZENworks 11 and to implement new ZENworks 11 functionality.

Training Level: 3 - Experienced

Key Objectives

Students learn the following high-level skills:

·         Upgrading to ZENworks 11
·         Using Administrator Groups
·         Reconciling Devices
·         Describing Location Awareness
·         Using Change Management
·         Implementing Dynamic Local User Policy
·         Utilizing Intel Active Management Technology
·         Managing Linux Devices
·         Activating Endpoint Security Management
·         Deploying ZENworks Appliance
·         Configuring Novell Service Desk

Audience Summary

This course is ideal for those who have solid ZENworks experience and who want to learn about and implement the new features of ZENworks 11. The audience for this course includes a diverse group of professionals:

·         ZENworks system administrators, integrators and engineers
·         Networking consultants
·         Reseller and partner technical-support staff