Monday, December 24, 2018

Aim of the Programmer Women Entrepreneur

Kalvi Trust strongly believes that women should have equal socio-economic, cultural and political opportunities equal to man. India’s unemployment and underemployment problem particularly affects those from the weaker section, especially women. Poor families remain in poverty mainly because of lack of skill and knowledge that could provide access to secured and sustainable livelihood opportunity. Thus promoting entrepreneurship skills with women of weaker section generally facilitates the entry of disadvantaged sections in to organized sector. Hence this program of Kalvi Trust aims to contribute to poverty reduction through entrepreneurship development focusing on women. Further this programmer tries to enhance the human capacities and social capital to foster entrepreneurial dynamics and enhance productivity with women.

Programmer overview

Kalvi Trust’s process in entrepreneurship development involves awareness creation, business counseling, training, skill development, networking, mentoring, information sharing, and market assistance. Under this programmer of Kalvi Trust involves,

Selection of members: Kalvi Trust staffs will be involved in identifying target women from the working locations related to our other programmer activities.

Awareness counseling about entrepreneurship and business idea for the selected women beneficiaries
Participatory Assessment for viable entrepreneurship opportunities in the current market scenario
Exclusive skill development training on various areas of entrepreneurship of identified activities
Networking the beneficiaries with various institutions to start the activity.

Guidance support towards making the entrepreneur activity a viable business activity.

Impact created

Women of weaker section with the interest of taking up a business activity and ready to highly contribute to their family income were identified and they were given with orientation about the programmer and interested area of entrepreneurship and its feasibility was identified with location specific.

Selected beneficiaries were undergone entrepreneurship training on the selected trade and general training on entrepreneurship basic components were also trained.

Financial assistance to initiate the entrepreneurship activity whether individually or as a group activity were facilitated through bank linkage, further implementation guidance and marketing supports were also made to make the initiative successful and sustainable.

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